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For the next step

As a specialist recruitment and consultancy services group, we secure the resources you need to help you navigate the complexities of the modern business world.

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We give you the inside track to securing the talent you need to guide you on the next step of your journey:

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Specialists in:



As agents of change, we simplify the complex to develop innovative solutions to organisational challenges. It is an integrated approach to giving you all the resources you need for the next step of the journey.

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Helping people and organisations thrive

We are an agile team of experts who have eschewed rigid corporate structures to offer a more flexible, progressive, collaborative approach to change and transformation, one that offers a pinpoint focus on your specific business challenges and a genuine improvement legacy.


Positive, Progressive, Productive

We practice what we preach

applying the same personalised, supportive, and flexible approach to our teams as we do to our clients and candidates. We are fiercely committed to the people we work with, building long-term relationships based on mutual trust and respect.

We are quietly confident

in our abilities. Warm and open, we foster collaboration rather than competition. There are no egos here, just down-to-earth hardworking talent. We are good listeners, too — after all, you need to understand the challenge profoundly before you can address it with objective clarity. We would always choose quality over quantity.

We cultivate

a culture of openness, celebrating difference and diversity as a necessary, creative, and complementary force in the corporate mix. We are open to new ideas. We are also open to the possibility that we are wrong.

We are not afraid

to ask hard questions – of ourselves and of our clients. We understand that when its people flourish an organisation thrives. The world of work does not exist in a vacuum, which is why we are invested in the wellbeing of the people we work with.

Case studies


Board Recruitment Campaign

When setting up a new organisation things are inevitably fluid. In such circumstances all parties need to remain flexible throughout the recruitment journey.

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Case studies


A partner in your business success

Working long-term with a client helps us get under the skin of an organisation to develop interventions that are completely aligned with business objectives.

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Case studies


Multi-role interim recruitment for GMICS

For organisations in transition, interims can offer the flexibility and expertise organisations need to take the next step on the development journey.

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Further insights

Assessment & Profiling Factsheet

Whether it is ensuring the right appointment, identifying potential for leadership succession, or assessing individual and team performance, get the insight you need to make informed decisions at every stage of the employee lifecycle.


Wanted… Genuine leader (who also happens to be a Finance Director)

With values now playing a key part in the corporate mix, recruiting leaders with the right cultural fit has become increasingly important


Workplace Mediation Factsheet

Mediation is a confidential, voluntary, and informal process that seeks to pre-empt costly formal procedures through talking. It works because it helps people find practical solutions, in a safe environment, that feel fair to all parties.


We know what great looks like

Whether through permanent and interim recruitment or project consultancy and solution delivery, we are people experts who work with expert people to support, develop, and guide our clients’ organisations.

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