Strategic HR
Strategic HR, Article
Is DE&I nothing but a woke waste of money?
Where the States lead, we often follow. So, will Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence (ME&I) become the new Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I) in the UK, too?
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Why the people function is formative for business growth
This case study is a manifesto for HR as a driver of business success, illustrating why business leaders should give HR a seat around the decision-making table, right from the start.
Strategic HR, Article
Worker Protection Act 2023: Are you ready?
On 26 October 2024, one of the most significant pieces of recent employment law comes into effect. What does it mean for your business and what will you need to do to prepare?
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Strategies for success: communication and engagement
If you don’t engage, how do you know if your communications are landing as intended? Communication without engagement can be meaningless. To be effective, it must be a two-way process.
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Change management: Leading through transition
Recent corporate history is smattered with titanic businesses that have sunk because they have failed to change direction quickly enough.
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Restructures: Getting the best out of your people
Whether it is minimising anxiety, maintaining performance, or ensuring everyone is engaged and motivated in the new world, HR will be in the thick of it.
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Strategies for successful organisational restructures
Although challenging, in a high-cost, low-growth economic environment, organisational restructures can offer businesses the opportunity to reset and go again.
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Strategies for success: Talent retention
If an organisation is only as good as its people, then identifying the key roles and retaining the best talent must be a priority for its sustainable success.
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Are your employees engaged?
The best performing companies have a motivated and empowered workforce. Integral to this is employee engagement. This is true at every point of an organisation’s development.
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A purpose-driven organisation: Creating cultural synergy
Against a backdrop of rising costs, flatlining growth, and an insolvency rate that is at its highest since 2008, purpose-driven organisations are not only more resilient, but also finding ways in which to thrive.
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Mergers & Acquisitions: HR is integral to success
Whether you are considering a merger, acquisition, or divestiture, because it will involve people, and change, as the people function, HR will be critical for its success.
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Pay Reviews: Trends and Priorities
The organisations successfully balancing rising costs with the ongoing challenges of attraction and retention are the ones taking a holistic approach to reward and remuneration
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HR Health Check Factsheet
As well as mitigating legal and financial risk, an audit of your HR documents, policies and procedures will ensure best practice, underpinning the success of all your people-related activities.
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Assessment Centre for a board recruitment campaign
When all your candidates look very similar on paper, assessment centres are among the most accurate predictors of who will be the best fit.
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How to reward and support staff in a crisis
The cost-of-living crisis will be weighing heavily on most people’s minds, right now. For responsible, caring employers, the challenge is how to help, while balancing the commercial needs of your business.
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Flexible HR support that grows with your organisation
The relationship with our telecoms client has evolved from a simple HR health check for a start-up of four to a full, outsourced, HR solution for a thriving business of 90.
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Assessment & Profiling Factsheet
Whether it is ensuring the right appointment, identifying potential for leadership succession, or assessing individual and team performance, get the insight you need to make informed decisions at every stage of the employee lifecycle.
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It’s time to question everything you know about HR
There are still people who think of HR as being the fluffy soft stuff of business. It’s not. It’s the hard, gritty, and unpredictable stuff and it has never been more relevant.
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Organisations need leaders who can coach
No doubt about it, the pandemic put leaders under unprecedented pressure. For the sake of their own wellbeing, it has made many reassess how they lead.
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A partner in your business success
Working long-term with a client helps us get under the skin of an organisation to develop interventions that are completely aligned with business objectives.
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Design & Delivery of an organisation-wide restructure
Because they involve people, and change, restructures are never as simple as the plan on paper
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BreatheHR Factsheet
Easy to use, with no installation, and no large, up-front costs, Breathe is the perfect solution for growing SMEs. Up and running instantly and with no disruption to your business, it centralises and streamlines all the necessary functions for HR management, putting you firmly in control.
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Coaching & Mentoring Factsheet
Coaching helps people recognise and appreciate their innate talents, helping to develop peak-performing individuals and teams who understand how to play to their strengths. As such, we help create cultures where people are continually developing.
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Workplace Mediation Factsheet
Mediation is a confidential, voluntary, and informal process that seeks to pre-empt costly formal procedures through talking. It works because it helps people find practical solutions, in a safe environment, that feel fair to all parties.